A welcome reflection for the SJU Class of 2020

By Joe Housman ’04, President, Saint John’s University Alumni Association

Joe Houseman ‘04

Joe Houseman ‘04

Most of us sprint through each day, putting out fires at work and home, doing the best we can with the resources and support we have. Every day I remind myself as I’m moving so quickly to keep up, that I have blinders on to my own little world and that I need to step back and consider other people’s point of view – whether that be in a family discussion with my wife or kids, a business presentation or negotiation with a client, or any of the other countless interactions I encounter in my day-to-day activity. 

I think this deliberate and cognizant action of slowing down, stepping back, and empathizing with each other is even more important for us all to do on a daily basis in our current environment.

I’ve often reflected over the last two months what my lens would be if my circumstances were different: What would my view be if I was at an age or had a physical condition that put me at “high risk” if I were to become infected? Or if I had chosen to go into the field of healthcare or as a first responder? What if I owned my own small business and after years of pouring my energy into it, I was forced to shut down, uncertain of when or if it will ever re-open?

So many others have lost their jobs and face economic hardship and uncertainty. And I empathize most with my 5- and 6-year old boys who both recently missed out on hosting birthday parties with friends and family, but have been conditioned to point out when two people are closer than 6 feet apart (and usually they do it very loudly, as only children can).  

I think it’s important for us all to acknowledge the high school and college seniors who are missing out on a once in a lifetime graduation experience. Our thoughts are with ALL graduating seniors, with an extra special welcome to our newest Johnnie and Bennie alums.

Please join me in welcoming them to the SJU alumni community and let them know we’re here for them as they move onto whatever their next chapter brings.